If you’re in the market for a new furnace, some of the marketing lingo may be a bit confusing. Every major furnace brand will tout efficiency as the number one thing to strive for. What does that mean? Will a high efficiency gas furnace really save you money over time? Or will the cost of … Continued
What would you do to keep your family safe? What actions would you take to ensure your family stays well? What if HEPA filters were shown to prevent disease, and keep you free of harmful germs that can make your family sick? New evidence shows this might be the case. According to a study published … Continued
One of the easiest ways to control how much air flow moves into a room is to adjust the air vents. They come with dials to open and close down the amount of air that passes through. Why shouldn’t you use these convenient tools to close down air vents if you’re not using a room? … Continued
We’re changing the way we power just about everything right now. Have you made the switch from gas-powered vehicles to electric? What about placing solar panels on your roof? Or maybe you want a more efficient HVAC system. Should you choose gas or electric HVAC? It’s a question many homeowners are asking as they create … Continued
How do you tell one furnace apart from another? Like every other appliance inside your home, selecting the wrong furnace can cost you each month. Take a look at a furnace, and you’ll discover they each come with a different efficiency rating. But what do furnace efficiency ratings really mean? The National Appliance Energy Conservation … Continued
Sometimes you start to notice your home is harder to heat. You may be hot in one room, only to find the next one freezing cold. Why is there a temperature difference between rooms? And more importantly, what can you do about it? The first step is realizing that your HVAC system needs maintenance throughout … Continued
What do you love about Colorado winter? Maybe it’s skiing. Or maybe you love sitting in front of the fire with a great book in hand. Yet with Colorado winters comes dry air inside your home. Itchy skin and dry, scratchy throats may be something you dread as you close up your home for the … Continued
Do you really need to service your furnace regularly? Think about all your furnace goes through in a year. Here in Colorado, your furnace can operate almost every month of the year. Colorado’s weather can change 30, 40, even 50 degrees or more in a matter of hours. That can lead you to use your … Continued
As a homeowner, you’ve probably experienced a power overload a time or two. You plug something in, turn something on, and poof, you’ve tripped the circuit breaker. No power to that zone in your house. It’s annoying at best. But it could also be a sign that you have a problem somewhere in your system. … Continued
There are several different types of furnaces. Here in Denver, gas force furnaces are one of the most common. Gas forced furnaces use several different components that work together to keep you comfortable. Thermostat – this controls the temperature inside your home. Draft hood/fan – air is drawn into the burners to mix with gas … Continued