If you own a house, it’s a careful balance of home maintenance projects to ensure it continues to work well from season to season, year to year. That includes your HVAC system. It’s not a system you can install and ignore. What does HVAC maintenance look like? Air filter check One of the most important … Continued
It might be annoying when a drip forms in your bathroom sink, but it isn’t completely unexpected. When you see water dripping or puddling underneath your furnace, it can cause instant panic. What’s wrong? Is that normal? Are you in danger? What’s the first thing you should do? If you suspect any problem with your … Continued
It seems like every appliance inside your home is going through modification, and turning more efficient through the use of smart technology. How does it impact your HVAC? A learning thermostat can help you be comfortable and efficient all at the same time. Does a learning thermostat really learn? You’ve probably noticed how your smart … Continued
You’ve owned your home for years. Your HVAC system is several years old. It blows warm air in the winter, cool air in the summer. What could possibly be wrong? For a lot of homeowners, the HVAC system is “out of sight, out of mind.” Yet if you haven’t paid attention to the individual components … Continued
It’s the thermostat’s job to ensure your home stays at a comfortable temperature. A standard thermostat allows you to adjust the temperature with a flick of a button. Upgrade to a programmable or smart thermostat, and you can set the temperature for different times of the day, ensuring you’re comfortable twenty-four hours of the day. … Continued
What’s the most costly appliance inside your home? If you said your HVAC equipment, you’re correct. According to the EPA, around 43 percent of your monthly utility bill goes to heating and cooling your home. If it’s running efficiently, you can rest assured your energy bill is as low as possible. But as your furnace … Continued
On the hottest and coldest days of the year, do you cringe as you listen to your HVAC equipment run continuously? Do you anticipate an energy bill that will take a large bite out of your monthly budget, looking for other areas to cut back on? According to the EPA, nearly half of the energy … Continued
As you remodel your home, no matter what decor you select or furnishings you buy, the desire to make your home better comes at the top of your list. More efficient. Yet what a lot of homeowners face after a remodel is a negative impact on the home’s air quality. Dust, debris, pollutants, and other … Continued
Homeowners often look for ways to lower monthly heating bills. Unfortunately, there are lots of ways that hurt more than help. Before the temperatures dip below freezing, and you start playing with your thermostat to control the flow of heat, consider these simple ways of ensuring your home stays as efficient as possible. Stop heating … Continued
Humidity isn’t something homeowners across the Front Range have to worry about. We live in a dry climate, one that is more pronounced in the winter months. If humidity levels aren’t managed right, you can experience dry skin or even respiratory discomfort. It can add to allergy or asthma conditions. According to the American Society … Continued